Renormalization and phase transitions in Pottsφ3-field theory with quadratic and trilinear symmetry breaking

Renormalized perturbation theory with generalized minimal subtraction is used as an appropriate renormalization-group procedure for the study of crossover behavior in the continuum version of the p-state Potts model with quadratic and trilinear symmetry breaking, within the representation of Priest and Lubensky, by means of a two-loop-order calculation in d=6-ε dimensions. The boundary between first- and second-order phase transitions is studied for longitudinal and transverse ordering as a function of p. A fixed-point runaway for longitudinal ordering is consistent with a mean-field interpretation of a first-order transition for p>p*, where p*≲2 but not with a second-order transition for pp*. Finite and stable fixed points are obtained for transverse ordering, one that follows by crossover from the symmetric fixed point for 2