Acquisition of Thermotolerance in Soybean Seedlings

When soybean Glycine max var Wayne seedlings are shifted from a normal growth temperature of 28°C up to 40°C (heat shock or HS), there is a dramatic change in protein synthesis. A new set of proteins known as heat shock proteins (HSPs) is produced and normal protein synthesis is greatly reduced. A brief 10-minute exposure to 45°C followed by incubation at 28°C also results in the synthesis of HSPs. Prolonged incubation (e.g. 1-2 hours) at 45°C results in greatly impaired protein synthesis and seedling death. However, a pretreatment at 40°C or a brief (10-minute) pulse treatment at 45°C followed by a 28°C incubation provide protection (thermal tolerance) to a subsequent exposure at 45°C. Maximum thermoprotection is achieved by a 2-hour 40°C pretreatment or after 2 hours at 28°C with a prior 10-minute 45°C exposure. Arsenite treatment (50 micromolar for 3 hours) also induces the synthesis of HSP-like proteins, and also provides thermoprotection to a 45°C HS; thus, there is a strong positive correlation between the accumulation of HSPs and the acquisition of thermal tolerance under a range of conditions.