Unnecessary polypharmacy in patients with frequent seizures

Of 35 patients with a mean seizure frequency of 15 attacks per month, 19 were taking a 2-drug combination, 13 a 3-drug combination and 3 patients a 4-drug combination. Treatment was reduced to monotherapy in 21 patients and to a 2-drug combination in 8 patients. There was an increase in seizure frequency in 6 patients taking a 2-drug combination when an attempt was made to reduce the treatment to monotherapy. Reduction in polypharmacy resulted in an improvement in seizure control in 54% of patients. Carbamazepine replaced polypharmacy as monotherapy in 19 patients, and phenytoin and sodium valproate in 2 other patients. Improvement in seizure control was associated with optimal blood levels in 17 patients taking carbamazepine and in the 2 patients taking sodium valproate and phenytoin. Serum levels in all patients taking a 2-drug combination were within the optimal range.