Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on the Chemical and Physical Properties of Nylon 661

The degradation of nylon 66 fabric by exposure to light and air is increased if the air is contaminated with sulfur dioxide. The additional degradation becomes evident when the chemical properties of fabrics exposed to light and air are compared with those of fabrics exposed to light and air containing 0.2 ppm sulfur dioxide. The increased degradation is also in dicated by the differences in tensile properties of yarn taken from fabrics. The chemical properties and yarn tensile properties of nylon fabric hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid and of nylon fabric irradiated with light in the presence of sufuric acid also were measured to provide comparisons with the degradation of nylon by exposure to sulfur dioxide. The effect of degradation by light and air contaminated with sulfur dioxide, by hydrolysis with sulfuric acid or by irradiation with light in the presence of sulfuric acid on the surface of nylon fibers and on the thermal behavior of nylon are discussed. The mode of degradation of the nylon exposed to light and to sulfur dioxide is considered.