Self-Diffusion and Nuclear Quadrupolar Relaxation in fcc Lanthanum Metal

The nuclear magnetic-resonance spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times and the Knight shift of La139 in pure fcc lanthanum metal have been studied from 295 to 825°K. The relaxation times exhibit a temperature dependence which can be explained by vacancy diffusion and annealing effects that perturb the spin system via the nuclear electric-quadrupole interaction. At the highest temperatures, it is found that T1=T2exp(EakT) where Ea=15 kcal/mole is found for the activation energy of vacancy formation and diffusion. The Knight shift is found to increase from 0.64% at 295°K to 0.72% at 825°K, which may be the result of an electron-phonon interaction.