Traumatic Rupture of the Common Bile Duct

Rupture of some portion of the extrahepatic biliary tree is a rare and often unrecognized complication of blunt trauma to the abdomen, and is usually the result of a blow or crush injury to this region. This is a report concerning a laceration of the common bile duct which followed blunt trauma to the abdomen in a patient who had undergone cholecystectomy and choledochotomy almost 2 years before his injury. An extensive search of the literature reveals no previous report of a case of similar nature. In 1921, Rudberg1 reviewed the literature and collected 41 cases of traumatic rupture of the extrahepatic bile ducts. Lewis,2 in 1938, collected 6 additional cases from the literature, including reports by Wallace and Spiro,3 Long,4 and Edington,5 and added one of his own. In 1939, Lysaght6 described one case which followed a crush injury. Hicken and Stevenson7

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