Complete Genome Sequence of φHSIC, a Pseudotemperate Marine Phage of Listonella pelagia

The genome for the marine pseudotemperate member of the Siphoviridae φHSIC has been sequenced using a combination of linker amplification library construction, restriction digest library construction, and primer walking. φHSIC enters into a pseudolysogenic relationship with its host, Listonella pelagia , characterized by sigmoidal growth curves producing >10 9 cells/ml and >10 11 phage/ml. The genome (37,966 bp; G+C content, 44%) contained 47 putative open reading frames (ORFs), 17 of which had significant BLASTP hits in GenBank, including a β subunit of DNA polymerase III, a helicase, a helicase-like subunit of a resolvasome complex, a terminase, a tail tape measure protein, several phage-like structural proteins, and 1 ORF that may assist in host pathogenicity (an ADP ribosyltransferase). The genome was circularly permuted, with no physical ends detected by sequencing or restriction enzyme digestion analysis, and lacked a cos site. This evidence is consistent with a headful packaging mechanism similar to that of Salmonella phage P22 and Shigella phage Sf6. Because none of the phage-like ORFs were closely related to any existing phage sequences in GenBank (i.e., none more than 62% identical and most <25% identical at the amino acid level), φHSIC is unique among phages that have been sequenced to date. These results further emphasize the need to sequence phages from the marine environment, perhaps the largest reservoir of untapped genetic information.