White spruce resistance to white pine weevil related to bark resin canal density

Examination of the bark from the uppermost lateral branches of white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, indicated that trees resistant to attack by the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi Peck, had significantly higher number and density of vertical resin canals per unit of bark area (mm2) than susceptible trees. The number and density of resin canals were also positively correlated with tree growth rate, an indicator of tree vigor. The density of the resin canals found near the periphery of the bark (outer resin canals) had higher correlation with resistance and growth than inner resin canals. Measurements of resin canals on the bark of lateral branches correlated well with measurements on the bark of the leader of the same tree, indicating that lateral samples could be used to screen white spruce for resistance to weevils. Key words: Picea glauca, Pissodes strobi, pest management, tree genetics.

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