Lifetimes andg-factor measurements in the decay of the 399 keV isomeric state inPt197and the quasiparticle-phonon coupling model

The nuclear levels in Pt197 have been studied from the decay of 95.4 min Ptm197. The isomeric state was produced by (n,γ) reaction on the enriched Pt196. The γ-ray spectra have been observed with a hyperpure Ge detector and a large volume Ge(Li) detector. The half-lives of the 399 keV and the 53 keV states were determined with improved precision. The results are T12 (399 keV) =95.41±0.18 min and T12 (53 keV)=16.58±0.17 ns. The g factor of the 53 keV 52 state has been measured by the gamma-gamma time differential perturbed angular correlation method in an external magnetic field of 25.1 kG using the 346-53 keV gamma cascade. The value of the g factor was obtained to be +0.335±0.010. This result is compared with the known g factors of the similar states in Pt195, and in Hg197 and Hg199, and also with theoretical calculations based on the quasiparticle-phonon coupling scheme. The possibility of using the 346-53 keV gamma cascade in Pt197 in the future time differential perturbed angular correlation studies is discussed.