Conservative splenic surgery such as partial splenectomy is advocated for splenic injuries, since splenectomy predisposes individuals to overwhelming sepsis with encapsulated organisms, of which Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequently isolated. The respiratory route is argued to be the most likely portal of entry of pneumococci; however, little data exist on the interaction of the spleen and pulmonary defense mechanisms against pneumococcal invasion. We studied the effect of splenectomy, 50% splenectomy (hemisplenectomy), 25% splenectomy, and sham operation on in vivo clearance of live pneumococci from the lungs male CD 1 mice following an aerosol challenge of pneumococci. Splenectomy impaired pneumococcal clearance from mouse lung pairs and allowed for increased translocation of live pneumococci to tracheobronchial lymph nodes compared to sham-operated controls. Preservation of splenic mass by partial splenectomy improved lung clearance and allowed for fewer bacteria to be cultured from tracheobronchial lymph nodes compared to splenectomized animals. Clearance of live pneumococci from the lungs and survival were directly proportional to the amount of splenic tissue remaining. Splenic factors probably exist which regulate reticuloendothelial cell function throughout the host. Maintaining adequate splenic mass, therefore, is an important consideration when operating for splenic trauma.