Haematology of foals up to one year old

Packed cell volume, Hb concentration, erythrocyte counts, erythrocyte indices, serum Fe, Fe binding capacities, total and differential leukocyte counts, platelet counts, total plasma protein, fibrinogen, haptoglobin and icterus index values were determined at 14 different ages in 8 Thoroughbred and 14 Quarterhorse foals during the 1st yr of life. Absolute neutrophil numbers in blood decreased and lymphocyte numbers increased during the 1st months. Absolute eosinophil numbers tended to increase until 3 mo. old. Hb concentration and packed cell volume decreased significantly during the first 2 wk and generally stayed in the lower portion of adult horse normal ranges during the remainder of the 1st yr. Mean cell volume decreased to minimum values at approximately 4 mo. and then gradually increased. Serum Fe was high at birth and decreased rapidly to a minimum at 3 days old. Total Fe-binding capacity increased to a maximum at 1 mo. Serum haptoglobin was generally within the adult normal range at birth. A moderate but significant decrease occurred at 1 wk old. Fibrinogen concentration increased to a maximum at 5 mo. Icterus index values decreased rapidly during the first 2 wk of life. Minor changes occurred in other parameters measured. Possible causes for the various changes in hematological parameters are discussed.