On the stability of nucleic acid structures in solution: enthalpy - entropy compensations, internal rotations and reversibility

The thermodynamics of self-association (stacking) of free bases and nucleotides, intramolecular stacking in dinucleotides, nearest-neighbour base pair stacking interactions in duplex DNA and RNA, and the formation of hairpin loops illustrate enthalpy/entropy compensations. Large stacking exothermicities are associated with large negative entropy changes that ensure that delta G is small, permitting readily reversible associations in solution. We rationalise enthalpy/entropy compensations with reference to residual motions and torsional vibrations which make a larger entropic contribution to binding when - delta H approximately kT (thermal energy at room temperature), than when - delta H >> kT. We present a factorisation of experimental free energies for helix formation in terms of approximate contributions from the restriction of rotations, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions due to base stacking, and contributions from hydrogen bonding, and estimate the adverse free energy cost per rotor (mainly entropy) of ordering the phosphate backbone as between 1.9 and 5.4 kJ mol-1 [averaged over 12 rotors per base pair for A-U on A-U stacking (lower limit), and G-C on C-G stacking (upper limit)]. The largest cost is associated with the most exothermic stacking interactions, while the range of values is consistent with earlier conclusions from data on the fusion of hydrocarbon chains (lower value), and with entropy changes in covalent isomerisations of small molecules involving severe restrictions (upper value).