Fungicides were tested for their capacity to control Pithomyces chartarum (Berk. and Curt.), M. B. Ellis, the fungus causing a liver damage and facial eczema in sheep. The tests measured spore germination on filter paper and spore production on perennial ryegrass litter sprayed with the fungicides. In laboratory experiments the following fungicides showed promise : phenyl mercuric salicylanilide, captan, ziram, sodium orthophenyl phenate, thiram, salicylanilide, didlone, maneb, N-para tolyl dichloromaleimide, and a mixed difhiocarbamic acid oxidation product. Copper sulphate, copper oxychloride, and cuprous oxide were not promising. The first five chemicals, plus copper sulphate and copper oxychloride, were also tested in the glasshouse, and did not give control.

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