Acrosome reaction of boar spermatozoa in homologous in vitro fertilization

Ejaculated spermatozoa from four different boars were used to evaluate the acrosome reaction during in vitro fertilization with homologous ovulated oocytes. The acrosome reaction was assessed according to a peroxidase‐labeling peanut agglutinin method and a triple‐stain technique. An increase in the proportion of living sperm with reacted acrosomes was observed after preincubation and 2 hr of coincubation (P < 0.05). The percentage of true acrosome‐reacted sperm remained reasonably constant throughout coincubation. In vitro penetration rates of oocytes varied among boars, but no relationship was found between fertilization rates of oocytes and maximum percentages of acrosome reacted living sperm.