Three different methods are discussed for the representation of laboratory measurements of spectral band absorption. Each method is valid over a considerable range of pressure and amount of absorbing gas; together they accurately represent the absorption for virtually all values of these variables by means of reasonably simple mathematical expressions. Since these approximations have a valid theoretical basis, they can be used to obtain reliable values of the absorption for pressures and amounts of absorbing gas outside of the original experimental range. The three methods are (1) strong line approximation; (2) weak line approximation; (3) nonoverlapping line approximation. Methods (1) and (2) are valid regardless of whether or not the spectral lines overlap. Method (3) is valid regardless of whether or not the absorption is weak or strong at the line centers. The regions of validity of each of these approximations are given for the Elsasser and statistical models. An analysis is made by these methods of the published data on the absorption of the 9.6-μ band of ozone.

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