Granuloma Inguinale. Presented by Dr. Cole and Dr. Driver. I. F., a Negro, aged 28, presented two large, nonindurated, irregular, shallow ulcers on the shaft of the penis. The lesions were of five months' duration, and were healing under the administration of antimony, potassium tartrate (tartar emetic) and injections of foreign protein. The Wassermann reaction was strongly positive. Annular Papular Secondary Syphilids. Presented by Dr. Cole and Dr. Driver. Two young Negresses with generalized small papular syphilids presented many small annular groups of the lesions, especially on the face. Blastomycosis with Epididymitis. Presented by Dr. Cole and Dr. Driver. J. S., a man, aged 38, had first been observed in May, 1926, complaining of coughing, hemoptysis, loss of weight and night sweats. Roentgen studies led to a diagnosis of abscess and localized empyema of the right lower lobe, and after epididymectomy the pathologist's diagnosis was tuberculous epididymitis. In July, 1926,