Effects of Various Gastrointestinal Peptides on Gastric Somatostatin Release*

Effects of various gastrointestinal peptides on gastric somatostatin release from the isolated perfused rat stomach were studied. After isolation of the stomach in a fasted rat by the method of Lefébvre and preperfusion with 4.6% dextran-Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing 5.5 mm glucose, each peptide was infused into the left gastric artery at a constant rate for 15 min. Secretin and bombesin caused a significant increase of gastric somatostatin release in a dose-related manner (10−8−10−6m). Gastric somatostatin release was also stimulated after the administration of pentagastrin (10−8−10−6m). In contrast, both methionine-enkephalin and substance P decreased gastric somatostatin release in a dose-related manner (10−8−10−6m), whereas neurotensin (10−8−10−6m) failed to change it significantly. The present results suggest that these various gastrointestinal peptides may regulate gastric somatostatin secretion. (Endocrinology106: 145, 1980)