Empirically Derived Personality Subtypes of Public Psychiatric Patients: Effect on Self-Reported Symptoms, Coping Inclinations, and Evaluation of Expressed Emotion in Caregivers

Personality scales on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCM-II) for 195 psychiatric inpatients (93 men and 102 women) in a public facility were cluster analyzed to develop an empirical subtyping according to personality traits. Subjects also completed the Brief Symptom inventory (BSI). Methods of Coping Scale (MOC), and the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale (LEE). The five personality subtypes that emerged were consistent across two clustering methods (K-means and complete linkage). Subtypes members differed on subscales of the BSI, MOC, and LEE. Results support the relevance of personality traits and disorders in assessing psychopathology in psychiatric patients. Results also support the relevance of subtyping these patients according to MCMI-II results.

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