The fossil palynomorph Bluffopollis scabratus (Couper) Pocknall & Mildenhall, 1984 and pollen of extant Strasburgeria robusta (Vieillard ex Pancher & Sebert) Guillaumin share sufficient pollen morphological features including aperture configuration, surface sculpture, and exine structure to suggest botanical affinity. The fossil pollen taxon occurs in Tertiary strata (?Paleocene-Miocene) from western and southern Australia and New Zealand. Living Strasburgeria robusta is today confined to ultrabasic substrates in southern montane rainforests of New Caledonia. The probable close alliance of Bluffopollis scabratus with extant Strasburgeria robusta supports other evidence of an Australian - New Zealand - New Caledonian phytogeographical link during early Tertiary time.