The Decay of170Tm and186Re

The radiations from the active isotopes 170Tm and 186Re have been investigated. 170Tm is found to have a β-ray end-point of 1.00±0.005 Mev. with possible lower-energy groups at 0.90±0.015, 0.79±0.025, 0.45±0.05 Mev. γ-rays with energies 82.6±0.5, 205±10, 430±20 kev. were observed. The 430 kev. radiation is thought to be complex. 186Re is found to have a β-ray end-point of 1.090±0.005 Mev. with other groups at 0.95±0.015 and 0.64±0.03 Mev. Three γ-rays were observed, having energies 700±50, 275±8 and 133±1 kev. The last is assumed to be a mean energy-value of the three low-energy γ-rays found by Cork, Shreffler and Fowler. Decay schemes are suggested for both isotopes.