Help‐seeking intentions for breast‐cancer symptoms: A comparison of the self‐regulation model and the theory of planned behaviour

Purpose: Delays in seeking help for symptoms have been found to be associated with poorer outcome in breast‐cancer patients. This study explores symptom perceptions and health beliefs as predictors of intentions to seek medical help in a general female population. The utility of the self‐regulation model of illness cognition and the theory of planned behaviour were examined in predicting help‐seeking intentions for potential symptoms of breast cancer in a general population sample.Methods: A general population sample of 546 women completed a postal questionnaire comprising items examining components of the self‐regulation model and the theory of planned behaviour. Help‐seeking intention was determined by asking participants to rate the likelihood of visiting their GP for a range of breast symptoms.Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that the cognitive component of the self‐regulation model accounted for approximately 22% of the variance in help‐seeking intention. Identity (β = 0.45, p < .001) emerged as a significant predictor of intention to seek help. Inclusion of the components of the theory of planned behaviour accounted for an additional 7% of the variance; the significant predictors were attitude to help‐seeking (β = 0.19, p <.001) and perceived behavioural control (β = 0.12, p <.01).Conclusions: Intention to seek medical help for a potential breast‐cancer symptom may be mediated, partly, by cognitive representations of the identity and consequences of breast cancer and by attitudes towards help‐seeking and perceived behavioural control. Although less than one‐third of the variance was accounted for, these results have important implications for future research (in terms of identifying which variables should be examined) and for the development of a model of help‐seeking behaviour in women with breast‐cancer symptoms.