Women with a Pelvic Mass ‐ When to Perform an Ultrasound

Summary: A retrospective study of 264 patients with a pelvic mass who had a preoperative serum CA 125 level performed was undertaken to compare the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of this test as a predictor of malignancy, compared with clinical impression and ultrasonography (USG). The values were calculated for each parameter alone and in combination, and the effect of menopausal status, histological type and stage of disease was also assessed. The results indicate that in postmenopausal women with a pelvic mass, a CA 125 level should be performed and the patient referred to a gynaecological oncologist if the value is raised. In contrast both CA 125 and USG should be performed in the premenopausal woman to allow appropriate referral. In this study a CA 125 level of 35 u/ml or more correctly identified malignancy in 90% of postmenopausal women.