Expression of TGF-? stimulated clone-22 (TSC-22) in mouse development and TGF-? signalling

TSC‐22 is a highly conserved member of a novel family of transcription factors, that is a direct target of transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) in osteoblastic cells. We have investigated the expression of TSC‐22 in detail during mouse development using in situ hybridization. We detected strong expression of TSC‐22 in the embryo proper first at embryonic day 8.5 (E8.5), in the primitive heart, intermediate mesoderm and the neural tube. The dynamics of the TSC‐22 distribution in the neural tube was particularly striking, with ubiquitous expression rostrally and restriction to neural tissue nearer the floor plate more caudally; between E8.5 and E9.5 the zone of restricted expression extended rostrally. At later stages of development, TSC‐22 was detected in the mesenchymal compartment of many tissues and organs, including the lung, trachea, kidney, stomach, intestine, tooth buds, and in precartilage condensations. Furthermore, TSC‐22 was highly expressed in the floor plate itself and notochord, and the endothelium lining the blood vessels, in particular the major arteries. Many of these sites have been proposed previously as possible TGF‐β target tissues; the results imply that TSC‐22 may also be a direct TGF‐β target gene during mouse embryogenesis. Experiments on TSC‐22 expression in embryoid bodies of embryonic stem (ES) cells expressing dominant negative TGF‐β binding receptors initially supported this hypothesis. However, examination of somatic chimeras derived from these same mutant ES cells at nominal E9.5 showed that TSC‐22 expression in the heart and neural tube was still detectable despite obvious phenotypic abnormalities. We therefore propose that although TSC‐22 may be a direct target of TGF‐β in late development, other factors are likely to be major regulators of expression at earlier stages.