Leucoéncephalopathie multifocale progressive

A young woman presented a mixed congenital and familial immunodeficiency syndrome consisting in an absence of IgA and lowered levels of IgG and IgM, with a defect in cellular immunity. She had a mild malabsorption syndrome with slight alterations of the jejunal mucosa. Non-caseating tuberculoid granulomata were found in skin lesions, in lymph nodes and in the spleen. At age 27 the patient died of a neurological disease of 4 months duration. Autopsy revealed a very widespread demyelinating process involving mainly the right cerebellar hemisphere but also most of the pons and left cerebellum, with the typical morphologic characters of PML. In the hemispheres lesions were limited to microscopical “microglial nodules” with discrete demyelination. A review of 86 published cases of PML revealed 9 other cases in which lesions showed a strong predilection for the subtentorial territories. This sampling allows for the assumption that some 11% of the cases of PML have this particular lesion distribution. Other pertinent features of this case are briefly discussed.