The Wide Diversity of Structurally Similar Wine Proteins

In the present work, single grape variety wines, Moscatel and Arinto, were used. Analysis by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the wine proteins revealed the presence of only a few polypeptides ranging in molecular mass from 15 to 30 kDa. However, a more detailed examination of the whole protein fraction, by a combination of techniques, showed that these wines contain a very large number (many tens and, possibly, many more) of distinct polypeptides, exhibiting similar molecular masses but different electrical charges. The results obtained using highly specific antibodies and N-terminal sequencing indicate that there is structural similarity among most of the wine polypeptides. These observations can be explained by the existence of a common precursor to most or all of the wine proteins, which could generate all of the detected polypeptides by limited proteolysis. Comparison of the N-terminal sequences of the polypeptides isolated from Moscatel wine with proteins from other sources revealed a high degree of homology to pathogenesis-related proteins. Keywords: Wine proteins; protein structure; haze; PR proteins; antibodies; FPLC; immunoblotting; electrophoresis; sequencing