The loss of ferromagnetism in Gd(X)Al2, where X is U, Th or La

The results of magnetization, susceptibility and a.c. susceptibility measurements on alloys of GdAl2, in which Gd has been replaced by U, Th or La, are presented. The loss of ferromagnetism in the first two systems is very rapid and is followed by various types of spin-glass behaviour, but they differ in the maintenance of high paramagnetic Curie temperatures in the U system, the sustaining of which is associated with the spin-ftuctuation character of UAl2. The magnetic phase diagram of the LaAl2-GdAl2 system, which is ferromagnetic above about 14% GdAl2, shows a general similarity to that of the f.c.c. Au-Fe system including a re-entrant spin-glass regime.