Steroid conversion and prostaglandin production by chorionic and decidual cells in relation to term and preterm labour

Summary. The production of progesterone from prcgnenolone, of cor‐tisol from cortisone and of prostaglandin E (PGE) under basal and arachidonic acid‐stimulated conditions was measured in cells dispersed from chorion and decidua. The cells were obtained after delivery from four groups of women: following spontaneous labour at term (38–42 weeks gestation), at elective caesarean section at term before the onset of labour, after induced labour at term, and after uncomplicated preterm (27–36 weeks) labour. Chorionic cells had a high progesterone output with relatively low cortisol and PGE production, whereas decidual cells had a high cortisol and PGE production rate. Free arachidonic acid stimulated PGE production in both decidual and chorionic cells. There were no significant differences in either steroid or PGE production among the four groups studied. These data suggest that steroid dehydrogenase activity in choriodecidual cells is not related to the mode of onset of labour and that the increased prostaglandin production in intrauterine tissues associated with parturition is due to enhanced availability of arachidonic acid.