Factors Affecting Gerbil Foraging Behavior and Rates of Owl Predation

We experimented on how illumination, habitat structure, and three different species of owls affected the foraging behavior of Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum, two gerbil species that coexist on sand dune habitats in the Negev Desert, Israel. We also tested how illumination and habitat structure affected rates of predation by owls on the two gerbil species. In a large aviary, we manipulated presence and absence of owls, owl species, presence and absence of illumination, and shrub cover. In response to the presence of owls or to increased illumination, gerbils foraged less, shifted foraging activity to the bush microhabitat, and quit patches at a higher giving—up density of resources. In accord with moonlight avoidance, both gerbil species suffered higher predation rates under illumination than in the absence of illumination. In addition, G. pyramidum distinguished among owl species, as indicated by changes in patch use and habitat selection. Habitat structure also affected foraging behavior and rates of predation. Gerbils foraged less in the open than in the bush microhabitat, foraged less when there was no cover present, and foraged less in the bush microhabitat when patches were encumbered by entangling branches. In accord with avoidance of open areas, both gerbil species suffered higher rates of predation when shrub cover was 0% than when shrub cover was 10%. With 0% cover, G. allenbyi suffered higher predation rates than G. pyramidum, but with 10% cover, rates of owl predation did not differ between gerbil species. Rates of owl predation on the two species corresponded to their natural patterns of macro— and microhabitat partitioning; relative to G. allenbyi, G. pyramidum predominates on open sand dunes and biases its behavior toward the open microhabitat. The results suggest that predation interacts with resource competition to determine the distribution and habitat separation of G. allenbyi and G. pyramidum.

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