A randomized control study of oxytocin augmentatioi of labour. 2. Uterine activity

Uterine activity was measured in 60 women whose first labour was progressing slowly in the active phase. The mean level of active contraction area (uterine activity integral, UAI) before oxytocin augmentation was 898 (SD 458) kPas/15 min. UAI increased significantly with time, even in women not given oxytocin. UAI increased logarithmically with increasing oxytocin infusion rate. Levels of uterine activity before and after oxytocin infusion are correlated positively such that the higher the initial level of UAI the higher the UAI in response to oxytocin. However, the regression line approaches the line of identity such that even with high doses of oxytocin UAI would not be likely to exceed 2500 kPas/15 min. There is a positive correlation between uterine activity and cervical dilatation rate in unstimulated labour; however, this is less evident following oxytocin infusion. Increases in uterine activity below 1200 kPas/15 min result from both higher frequency and active pressure, whereas above 1200 kPas/15 min any increase is due mainly to a rise in frequency.

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