Relating the longBlifetime to a very heavy top quark

The long B lifetime is related to the heaviness of the top quark by a particular mass-mixing ansatz. The u-type quark mass matrix is of the Fritzsch form, while for the d type it is diagonal except in the d-s plane, which generates the Cabibbo rotation. We predict mt≳200 GeV from Vcb≲0.06. One gets ‘‘maximal CP violation,’’ and the relations ‖Vub/Vcb‖= √mu/mc , ‖Vtd/Vcb‖= √md/ms , and ‖Vts‖=‖Vcb‖ are close to exact. An interesting Wolfenstein pattern emerges. We discuss the viability and implications of having such a heavy top quark (such as lower MZ), and the possibility of a vanishing Vub and its impact on CP violation.