The Magnetic Moment of the Proton

The molecular beam magnetic resonance method has been employed to measure, in the same magnetic field, the frequency corresponding to a reorientation of the proton in the molecule NaOH and the frequency corresponding to a transition between certain of the h.f.s. levels of the ground state of both the atoms Cs133 and In115. From these data are calculated the ratio of the g factor of the proton, gH, to the g factor of total electronic angular momentum, gJ, with the result gHgJ(Cs,S122)=15.1911×104 and gHgJ(In,P122)=45.6877×104. From a knowledge of the ratios gJ(Cs133)gJ(Na23) and gJ(In115)gJ(Na23) two entirely independent values of the ratio gHgJ(Na23) have been obtained: From indium gHgJ(Na)=15.1923×104.