Fever in Patients With Rheumatic Heart Disease

Intercurrent febrile illnesses frequently occur during the life history of patients with rheumatic heart disease and may be transitory and of little importance. On the other hand, they may be protracted, associated with severe congestive heart failure, and may terminate fatally. It is essential to determine whether or not the fever is related to the heart disease and to undertake appropriate studies to determine the factors responsible. This study is a clinicopathologic investigation of adult patients with rheumatic heart disease in whom fever was a prominent part of the terminal illness. Materials and Methods This report is an analysis of 6 adult patients seen at The Mount Sinai Hospital between the years 1946 and 1959. The necropsy protocols of all patients during these years were reviewed, and, in those in whom "rheumatic heart disease" was noted, the clinical record was examined. The case was included for study if fever had