In interpreting the results of a petrographic and isotopic study of concretions, a range of subjects is discussed including the original texture of the Oxford Clay sediment, Jurassic palaeotemperatures, the diagenetic history of pore‐waters and the palaeo‐hydrology of central England.The concretions are all composed predominantly of calcite. They include precompactional, pyrite‐rich concretions that later suffered an eposide of brecciation, and others that only commenced to form after compaction had crushed ammonite shells included in the bituminous clay sediment. Petrographic, chemical, and especially carbon isotope data demonstrate a dominantly organic source for the carbon in the early formed concretions. Oxygen isotopes indicate formation at the same temperatures (13‐16°C) at which benthic molluscs were living. Concretion growth in pelleted, anaerobic mud proceeded concurrently with bacterial sulphate reduction and pyrite precipitation. Cracking of the concretions started at this stage: in a few concretions, the cracks were also partially filled with brown calcite.During post‐compactional growth, δ13C increased and pyrite content decreased, showing waning organic influence; δ18O decreased. The brecciated concretions were intruded by clay in which baryte crystals grew; finally, most remaining voids were filled with strongly‐ferroan calcite of δ18O about—7 PDB and δ13C about O PDB. This must indicate strong depletion of the pore waters in 18O. Mechanisms that might lead to this are reviewed. It is concluded that the sequence of mineralogical and chemical changes is most readily explained if originally marine porewaters, first modified by bacterial activity, were flushed from the compacting clays by water of ultimately meteoric origin. This had its source in palaeo‐aquifers beneath the Oxford Clay. Speculative attempts are made to relate this history to the geology of the region.