Simultaneous group confirmatory factor analyses of the Psychopathy Checklist‐Revised (PCL‐R; Hare, 1991) were conducted with an alcoholic inpatient sample (N= 740). Invariance of the item‐factor relations for the 2 highly correlated factors of Personality and Behavioral Features were supported across 3 racial/ethnic groups (African American, Puerto Rican, and White) and across gender groups. Moment structure analysis indicated no significant differences in the latent means across men and women. Alternative covariance structure models were specified within a multitrait‐multimethod framework to evaluate convergent and discriminant validity across different methods of measuring antisociality. A correlated trait‐correlated method model was supported. A factor intercorrelation of .68 was indicated for Personality and Behavioral Features, and a significant correlation (.40) among method factors emerged for the PCL‐R scores across different raters (interviewers and therapists). General support was provided for the use of the PCL‐R with alcoholic inpatients, though there was a substantial intercorrelation for the factors of Personality and Behavioral Features.