Sequential expression of new gene programs in inducer T-cell clones.

A cDNA [complementary DNA] probe was prepared that detects genes that are rapidly and abundantly expressed after exposure of [mouse] inducer T lymphocyte clones to antigen or mitogen. All inducer cells tested express a characteristic set of a new mRNA, and these mRNA are not expressed after activation of other lymphocytes. This initial burst of mRNA synthesis is paralleled by synthesis and secretion of a family of polypeptides that mediate inducer cell activity, including T- and B-cell growth factors, interferon and molecules that bind to antigen. Expression of this initial genetic program precedes mitosis and is replaced within 72 h by a different genetic program, which may control further cell division. The action of these sequential sets of genetic programs defines 2 stages of the cell''s differentiation and accounts for altered expression of the cell''s immunological functions.