Trichobolus zukalii Heimerl (Theleboleae, Pezizaceae, Pezizales, Discomycetes, Ascomycetes) was previously in the genus Thelebolus (Pseudo-ascoboleae, Ascobolaceae, Pezizales). Single spore cultures which were obtained on rumen fluid and dung concoction agars fruited after 14 days, showing the sp. to be homothallic. The pyriform, uniascal apothecium developed parthenogamously from an ascogonial coil similar to that of other coprophilour Discomycetes. Karyogamy occurred in a privileged cell of the ascogonial coil. This cell enlarged to become an ascus, frequently reaching more than 500 [mu] in length and 400 [mu] in width. The more than 7000 spores/ascus in many apothecia far exceeded the number ever recorded for an ascomycete. The ascocarp, is interpreted as an apothecium whose hymenium is reduced to a single polysporous ascus, a common occurrence in the tribe Theleboleae of the Pezizaceae.