Fragmentation ofKr78projectiles

To gain a better understanding of the production of exotic isotopes and provide information on the stability of nuclei along the path of the rapid-proton capture process, isotopic cross sections from the reaction Kr78 + Ni58 at 75 MeV/nucleon were measured at 0° using the A1200 fragment separator. Most notably the particle stability of Br69 was thoroughly probed during this experiment and it appears to be particle unstable. The experimental production cross section data are compared to previous krypton isotope fragmentation data to explore the dependence of the N/Z ratio of the projectile on the observed isotopic distributions (‘‘memory effect’’) as well as with an intranuclear cascade code developed for higher energies (≳ 200 MeV/nucleon) and a semiempirical parametrization derived from high energy systematics. © 1996 The American Physical Society.