Theory of Alternating Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Linear Chains

The exact eigenvalue spectrum and thermodynamic properties of the spin Hamiltonian H=2|J|Σi=1N2(S2i·S2i1+aS2i·S2i+1) are calculated for short chains of N=4,6,8, and 10 spins, each of spin ½, for alternation parameter a=0.2,0.4,0.6, and 0.8, with SN+1S1. The behavior for N= is estimated by extrapolation. Comparison is made with the known results for a=0 and 1. The ground-state energy, ground-state short-range order, energy gap, and triplet excitation spectrum are compared with various approximate theories. Zero-temperature infinite-chain magnetization curves are inferred from the finite-chain results. The energy, entropy, specific heat, and magnetic susceptibility for N=10 are shown to approximate well the behavior for N= when kT|J|>a. The magnetic-susceptibility data on the free radical 2,2-bis (p-nitrophenyl)-1-picrylhydrazyl are shown to agree well with the theoretical results for an alternating chain with a0.6.