Comparison of storage proteins ofPhaseolus caracalla L. with the proteins of some other representatives of the genusPhaseolus

Storage proteins of the seeds (cotyledons) of the South-American speciesPhaseolus caracalla were compared by means of immunoelectrophoretic methods with other representatives of the genusPhaseolus. These proteins most resemble the proteins of the co-called tropical group (i.e. Ph. atropurpureus, Ph. geophilus, Ph. bracteatus, Ph. semierectus) and least the so-called American endemites (Ph. vulgaris, Ph. coccineus, Ph. acutifolius, Ph. lunatus), the main globulin of which is of a completely different specificity. The proteins ofPh. caracalla are less similar to the group of the so-called Asiatic species (Ph. aureus, Ph. calcaratus, Ph. angularis, Ph. aconitifolius, Ph. trilobus) including the analyzed representatives ofVigna sinensis; their main globulin is only partly similar to that ofPh. caracalla. Some considerations on the relationship ofPh. caracalla with the so-called tropical species is presented.

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