Formal approaches to intelligent swarms

Autonomous intelligent swarms of satellites are being proposed for future space missions. These types of missions provide greater flexibility and the chance to perform more and different kinds of science than traditional single satellite/vehicle missions, but also have complex interactions and behaviors. The emergent properties of swarms make these missions powerful, but at the same time are more difficult to design and assure that the proper behaviors will emerge due to their complexity. We are currently investigating formal methods and techniques for verification and validation of swarm-based missions. The advantage of using formal methods is their ability to mathematically assure the behavior of a swarm, emergent or otherwise. The autonomous nanotechnology swarm (ANTS) mission is being used as an example and case study for swarm-based missions for which to experiment and test current formal methods with intelligent swarms. Author(s) Rouff, C. SAIC, McLean, VA, USA Truszkowski, W. ; Rash, J. ; Hinchey, M.

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