A moment method (MM) solution is developed for the fields scattered by an inhomogeneous dielectric/ferrite cylinder of arbitrary cross-section. The incident field is assumed to be a plane wave of arbitrary polarization with oblique incidence with respect to the axis of the cylinder. The total electric and magnetic fields are the unknown quantities in two coupled equations from which a system of linear equations is obtained. Once the total electric and magnetic fields within the cylinder are computed, the scattered fields at any other point in space can be calculated. It is noted that for the case of oblique incidence, the scattered field has TE/sub z/ and TM/sub z/ polarized fields regardless of the polarization of the incident field. The echo widths of cylinders and shells of circular, semicircular, and rectangular cross section are calculated for TE/sub z/ and TM/sub z/ polarized incident fields. It is shown that the results obtained for dielectric/ferrite cylinders and shells of circular cross section with the solutions developed here agree very well with the corresponding exact eigenfunction solutions.

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