On life satisfaction in male erectile dysfunction

A consecutive series of 413 impotent men and 109 References rated their satisfaction with life as a whole and with seven different domains of life along a six graded scale ranging from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. In a subsample of impotent men treated with PGE1 these self-ratings were repeated applying the concept that dissatisfaction reflects an aspirations/achievement gap and successful treatment leads not only to increased sexual well-being but also to increased satisfaction with life as a whole. Regardless of the etiology of impotence pre-treatment level of sexual satisfaction was very low. In assumedly psychogenically impotent men levels of satisfaction with life as a whole, partnership and family life were also low. Using factor analytic technique satisfaction with sexual life was found to be a powerful predictor for satisfaction with life as a whole. In successfully PGE1-treated men pre-treatment decreased levels of satisfaction were significantly increased and generally normalization occurred.