Charmless decays of theB-meson in perturbative QCD

Using the perturbative QCD method and Chau's six-quark-graph scheme, we report a theoretical calculation of exclusive nonleptonic decays of the B meson into two light pseodoscalar mesons in the context of the low-energy effective Hamiltonian. The contributions from both tree-level and one-loop diagrams are taken into account. Under the approximation of neglecting light quark and light meson masses, we find that (i) within perturbative QCD there is no singularity which exists in the computation of spacelike penguin diagrams when the BSW model is used; (ii) the contributions from spacelike-type ( W-annihilation, W-exchange, spacelike penguin and penguin-annihilation) graphs are strongly suppressed relative to those from timelike-type (external W-emission, internal W-emission and timelike penguin) ones; (iii) our results are well below the experimental upper limits but lower than the BSW ones.