Interpersonalizing Aids: Attending to the Personal and Social Relationships of Individuals Living with Hiv and/or Aids

This article introduces the special issue on HIV and AIDS in the context of personal and social relationships. Four major themes are first highlighted: (i) the changing nature of HIV and AIDS to long-term, chronic illnesses; (ii) the importance of personal and social relationships for those living with these illnesses; (iii) the effects of these illnesses on the personal and social relationships of minorities and women, in particular; and (iv) the continuing stigma and coping with stigma that permeate the lives of those living with HIV and/or AIDS. A conceptual approach is introduced to frame research on the personal and social relationships of those with HIV and/or AIDS. The articles and commentaries in the special issue are then introduced and discussed in the light of that conceptual approach. This article concludes with a call to focus additional attention on the personal and social relationships of those living with HIV and/or AIDS.