Urodynamic measurements were performed before and after acupuncture at 2 different points in 52 women who presented with frequency, urgency and dysuria. Measurements included cystometry, anal sphincter electromyography, urethral pressure profilometry and uroflowmetry. The results of this study showed a significant increase in maximum cystometric capacity and a decrease in peak urinary flow rate after acupuncture at the Sp. 6 point, which has traditionally been used for the treatment of urinary problems. During acupuncture at the Sp. 6 point there were periodic increases in intraurethral pressure at the distal urethra, which were measured with a microtip transducer. Acupuncture-induced detrusor inhibition and external sphincteric contractions were demonstrated. Clinically symptomatic improvement was noted in 22 of the 26 patients who were treated by acupuncture at the Sp. 6 point. Our studies indicated that acupuncture could be used as a simple and effective method to treat female patients with frequency, urgency and dysuria.