Microcrystallite size dependence of absorption and photoluminescence spectra in CdSxSe1−x-doped glass

Absorption and photoluminescence peak shifts due to the quantum size effect are observed in CdSxSe1−x microcrystallites with average radii ranging from several angstroms to 100 Å. For microcrystallite radii between 15 and 100 Å, the observed peak shifts can be described using an effective mass of 0.46m0 (m0 is the free‐electron mass), which is 4.6 times as large as the reduced mass in CdS0.12Se0.88. When the radius is reduced to less than 15 Å, the effective mass, which is estimated from the experimental results, increases. The discrepancy between the theoretical prediction and the obtained results is discussed.