Reproductive characteristics of crayfish (Orconectes virilis) were examined during 1979–81 in four small Canadian Shield basins in the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario. One of these lakes, Lake 223 (L223), has been experimentally acidified since 1976. Egg resorption, fertilization, and rate of development were not seriously affected by lake acidification to pH 5.1. Incomplete hardening of the glair–cement compound forming the egg capsule membrane and stalk resulted in a loss of eggs from the pleopods, causing the L223 population to suffer decreased reproduction. On an egg production basis, the reproductive impairment (defined as the % decrease in number of viable eggs prior to hatching) in reference populations averaged 3.2 ± 1.8 (95% C.I.) compared to levels of 18.7, 36.2, and 29.4% during 1979–81 in L223 at pH 5.2–5.6. Direct mortality of eggs accounted for little of the reduced natality in the L223 population and did not occur in reference lakes. Loss of crayfish populations exposed to lake acidification will probably result from reproductive failure before lake water becomes acid enough to be directly toxic to mature crayfish.