The relationship between the mean-field approximations in various interacting models of statistical physics and measures of classical and quantum correlations is explored. We present a method that allows us to bound the total amount of correlations (and hence entanglement) in a physical system in thermal equilibrium at some temperature in terms of its free energy and internal energy. This method is first illustrated using two qubits interacting through the Heisenberg coupling, where entanglement and correlations can be computed exactly. It is then applied to the one dimensional Ising model in a transverse magnetic field, for which entanglement and correlations cannot be obtained by exact methods. We analyze the behavior of correlations in various regimes and identify critical regions, comparing them with already known results. Finally, we present a general discussion of the effects of entanglement on the macroscopic, thermodynamical features of solid-state systems. In particular, we exploit the fact that a $d$ dimensional quantum system in thermal equilibrium can be made to corresponds to a d+1 classical system in equilibrium to substitute all entanglement for classical correlations.