Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease: Results of a Single-Center Study of 258 Patients

This report is of a retrospective study of data from 258 patients who received spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease as a result of arteriosclerosis. The patients’ clinical outcomes were monitored over a period of 18 months. In patients with a low baseline transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO2) value of 2 value of 10-30 mm Hg. This successful treatment was accompanied by a sustained increase in TcPO2 values to approximately 30 mm Hg in both of these groups. In looking at diabetic and nondiabetic patients, there is no difference in limb survival as a result of the treatment. It is concluded that SCS is an effective therapy in improving limb survival in patients with peripheral vascular disease. In addition, TcPO2 values at baseline may be a useful predictor of treatment outcome.