Tcvs Carrier Concentration in Cubic Fulleride Superconductors

The effect of carrier concentration on fulleride superconductivity is studied by x ray, Raman, magnetization, and ESR of two new cubic families: Na2CsxC60 (0<x<1) and M3yBayC60 ( 0.2<y<2, M=K, Rb, or Cs). These are isostructural with known Pa3¯ and Fm3¯m trivalent superconductors, respectively, but with variable valence 2<n<5. Tc is peaked at or very near n=3, decreasing rapidly in either direction to <0.5K for n=2.5 and 5. These results underscore the failure of both one-electron and strong correlation models to explain the dependence of Tc on band filling.